7. Upgrade And Use Each Hero You Have Although in general we would recommend focusing on a main character above all others, the only shared resource you need to split across heroes on upgrades is gold. The only other requirement are hero tokens of the character you want to upgrade which is unique to each

As far as gold is concerned, designating one hero as your top priority is recommended but you would still need to use all other heroes you unlock to increase their mastery level and earn extra rewards. Although there will certainly be a point in the game where you will need more gold to upgrade all your heroes, investing a bit on others to help them raise their mastery is an investment that will earn you back the gold you consumed with some interests in the form of the other rewards To view each hero’s mastery level, simply tap on the platform the hero is standing on at the main screen. Each use of the hero in a match will earn you mastery points and reaching certain milestones will reward you with gold, gems, items, and even tokens. Upgrading each hero also enables them to equip items. With this feature, you can customize each ehro and make them more formidable in combat. You can switch equipment from one hero to another easily so be sure to check that the hero you are using has been optimized as far as items go before you engage in a match with that hero. Although gold, and especially gems are important resources that should be spent very carefully, checking the store every day for the daily deals can be beneficial for you. While you may want to save up gems to purchase a Legendary Crate or any of the crates that are diicult to obtain otherwise, spending a few coins on single hero tokens can help you boost your hero’s upgrade. You should consider purchasing extra hero tokens when you are just one or two tokens short of being able to upgrade a hero. For the most part, you should only do this for your top hero and until you have maxed that hero out or decided that another one has become your top favorite.