5. Make Good Use Of The Environment As Zooba currently holds only one map as its battle arena, getting used to its general layout should come along easily aer a few matches. Beyond its overall topography, be sure to pay attention to dead ends, water bodies, and bushes. These may present both opportunities and threats for you as you play through each match and having a fairly good idea of each one’s location will always be beneficial for you both from an oensive as well as defensive standpoint
Some areas have dead ends and avoiding them should come naturally when running away from a skirmish when you are disadvantaged as well as moving away from the raging inferno. Whenever you move in water, you will not be able to use any weapons or abilities so if your active skill involves jumping, you should time their usage right to hop across. Likewise, being in combat while an enemy steps into water turns the tide for you so you should have total aggressiveness in assaulting an enemy who is currently in water even if he has more HP than you. Bushes in Zooba oer huge tactical advantage most especially if you know how to utilize it well. Every player becomes perfectly hidden while moving through bushes. The only indicator that will give your position away is if you use an attack with an area of eect like the grenade, if you move in too close to an enemy, or if an enemy sees you heading towards the bushes. For an oensive approach, bushes are the perfect cover to cast an ambush and while we do not recommend camping, or staying in one spot for a long time, moving along within bushes to wait for the perfect moment to eliminate an enemy or enemies is generally a sound strategy. For the most part, there are several large bushes on the map and moving along them is fairly easy.
that boost speed temporarily, use them aer hiding in the bushes rather than before and misdirect your opponents by moving in a dierent direction as soon as you hit the bushes.